a,verb,be,"be, is, are, am", ya,entity,morally good,"good","Meant for describing people, not actions. Use ""should"" words to describe actions as morally good." wa,entity,morally evil,"evil","See notes on ya." yo,auxiliary verb,the act would be morally good,"should","Note that the normal meaning of English 'should' is closer to Thoya 'we' than to this word." wo,auxiliary verb,the act would be morally bad,"shouldn't", we,auxiliary verb,not doing the act would be morally bad,"should","This is the closest equivalent to English 'should'." yec,entity,true,true, wec,entity,false,false, ca,verb,think about,"think, ponder", ciza,verb,have the thought enter one's mind,"think of, occur to, occur","It's like 'occur to' in English, except the subject is the thinker." zeci,verb,learn by thinking about,"figure out, realize", cili,verb,learn by finding new information,find out, ci,verb,believe,"think, believe, know","When distinguishing between 'think' and 'know' is important, translate 'know' and 'ci yec ke ...'." cu,verb,believe that one believes,"think, believe", cia,verb,understand,understand, cua,verb,be confused about,"confused, confuse, misunderstand", cɪta,verb,"get a precise, clear idea of; put one's finger on",, cazi,preposition,knowledgeable about,"knowledgeable, smart, informed", cufu,preposition,ignorant about,"ignorant", caya,entity,having lots of very general knowledge,"wise, wisdom", cɪla,preposition,example of,"example, instance, case", cedi,verb,know how to,"know how to, know how", cepi,verb,imagine,imagine, di,verb,do,"do, act, cause, make, create, affect","This word is limited to causation that is *direct* in the ethical sense: an act that happens to influence someone else's decision to do X doesn't count as doing X, except for encouraging them to do it. See ray for indirect causation. Also note that di is not used as 'make' for non-substantial entities like 'plan' (where it might be confused with 'do'); for such words, use a verb like 'invent' or 'think of'. 'affect' is translated as 'di e'." ray,verb,cause,"cause","See di." ure,verb,undo,"undo", re,verb,become,"change, become, turn", te,verb,remain,"remain, stay","This doesn't specifically refer to location, but is the opposite of re." ro,verb,change (transitive),"change, turn, make","Direct object is the thing changed, av and va can be used to specify what you change it into and what you change it from." to,verb,keep (a certain way),"keep, preserve","Direct object is the thing kept, av specifies the state it's kept in." ar,preposition,specifies destination,"to, at, until","Used to specify an additional parameter for a verb that is in some way being moved *toward*, like destination, target, or recipient. Some verbs that use this slot are give, send (recipient), put, move (destination), throw (target), and encourage (to do what). Can also be used as 'until' (time)." ra,preposition,specifies source,"from, for, to, since","Used to specify an additional parameter for a verb that is in some way being moved *away from*, like source, origin, or precedent. Some verbs that use this slot are take, receive (source), build (source material), react (to what), pay, and punish (what for). Can also be used as 'from/since' (time)." de,"verb, adverb",can,"can", ero,verb,react,"react","The object is the thing reacted to. See the concept article on multiple predicates." lo,verb,say,"say, tell, talk","Includes any form of linguistic communication, not just speech." le,verb,hear,"hear","As in ""be told"". Like lo, not limited to any specific form of linguistic communication." lelo,verb,communicate mutually with,"talk, converse, communicate", levo,verb,argue with,"argue, debate", laco,verb,explain,explain, zolco,verb,convince,"convince, persuade", vo,verb,try,"try, so, so that","This word itself means 'try'. For info on 'so that', see the concept article on multiple predicates. vo is stricter than ri. While ri can describe any expected consequence of an action, vo describes only *wanted* consequences. Precisely, it means that the outcome is either a terminal value (something the agent wants for its own sake) or a means to one, not an unwanted side effect." vi,"verb, adverb",believe that ... would make one happy,"want","Can apply to wanting something either for its own sake or as a means. 'ar' specifies what end the subject wants it for. As is typical of Thoya verbs like this, when vi requires a subordinate clause, it uses ke, rather than the convoluted English syntax of ""I want you to do X"" when you mean ""I want that you do X"". If ""you"" is the subject of the subordinate clause, it shouldn't be phrased as an object. However, when the wanter is also the subject of the subordinate clause, the shorthand of "I want do X" is allowed, which is why this is tagged as an adverb." vu,verb,believe that ... would make one unhappy,"fear, hate","See notes on vi. ar also specifies what end the subject fears it for." iv,verb,... is in one's interests,"need","This is used with the same syntax as vi, but means that the thing is actually in the subject's interests, regardless of whether they think so." uv,verb,... is against one's interests,,"This is used with the same syntax as vu, but means that the thing is actually against the subject's interests, regardless of whether they think so." ri,verb,choose,"choose","Often combined with ke to mean ""choose for something to happen"". For example: ""ri ke Bob neku"" = ""choose for Bob to die"", to allow it intentionally if not to cause it. ri does not mean the agent *desired* the outcome, only that they expected it. Also, ri does not strictly mean the outcome *happened*; only that the agent took an action they expected to cause it. To say 'choose from' or 'choose between', say 'ri ra'." rev,verb,consider choosing,"consider", ru,verb,intend,"intend, plan","This is 'intend' as in 'plan to do something in the future', not as in 'want' when referring to an outcome." rɪj,entity,option,"option, choice", zi,verb,should (strategic),"should","Means that an act would promote the subject's goals. See other 'should' words." zu,verb,shouldn't (strategic),"shouldn't","Means that an act would sabotage the subject's goals. See other 'should' words." ze,verb,use,"use, by, with, through, via","See the concept article on multiple predicates." ji,modifier,maybe,"maybe","Should go before the verb in general, because otherwise it can be mistaken for modifying the subject (which it can also do - ""ji ? ki lo"" = ""possibly-true statement""). ""Probably"" = ""da ji"". Optionally the subject of the probability can be before ji: ""Bob ji ..."" = ""From Bob's perspective / with his information, it's possible that ...""" qe,verb,go,"go, come, move","This is a shortcut for qo (ne) ar, since it's so common. No preposition is needed; the destination is the direct object." qo,verb,put,"move, put", qi,verb,arrive,"arrive", qu,verb,leave,"leave", qoŋi,verb,bring,"bring, lead, take", qeŋi,verb,follow,"follow", qa,verb,send,"send", aqo,verb,separate,"separate, disperse, divide, split", aqe,verb,gather,"gather, converge, meet", ɪje,verb,combine,"combine, mix", eqe,verb,pull,"pull", eqo,verb,push,"push", qoy,entity,direction,direction, ɪp,preposition,at (location),"at, in, on", pej,verb,move,"move","""move"" in the sense of ""change position"" rather than ""change location"" (for that, use qe). When you scratch an itch you pej." poj,verb,move,"move","The transitive version of pej." rɪn,entity,person,"person","There are no words for man, woman, etc. Use this generic word and add other descriptors only as necessary." rɪvo,entity,team,team, ravo,entity,faction,faction, raja,entity,society,society, rɪja,entity,community,community, nemu,verb,be asleep,"sleep, asleep", nemi,verb,be sleepy,"sleepy, tired", muna,entity,bed,bed, muba,entity,blanket,blanket, mufi,entity,cushion,cushion, nexɪŋ,verb,dream,dream, lɪma,entity,water,"water", da,modifier,very,"very, really","Unlike the English equivalent, this can be used on any word, including verbs (""I very want""). It is a completely general purpose augmentative. See also day." day,modifier,extremely,"extremely","Stronger than da." ti,modifier,completely,"completely, perfectly, totally, entirely, altogether","See concept article on degree modifiers." xi,modifier,mostly,mostly, ten,modifier,mediumly,"medium, moderately, somewhat, fairly", nix,modifier,almost,"almost, nearly, not quite", nɪf,modifier,slightly,"slightly, little, bit", fɪn,modifier,barely,"barely, hardly", jawi,modifier,partially,"partially, somewhat","Broader than ten. This word matches any positive degree less than "completely" or "very"." er,pronoun,me,"I, me, myself","When used as the subject of `a`, er does not generally need `a` to be said. It's fine to leave it out: ""er yaku"" = ""I'm outside"" (literally ""I outside""). For most words this doesn't work because it loses a distinction. For example, with ""the big one is green"" versus ""the big green one"", the latter implies there's an entity that we all already know is both big and green, while the former identifies an entity only distinguished by bigness and informs the listener of an additional quality it has. But with er, this isn't an issue since there's only one entity er can refer to." or,pronoun,you,"you, yourself, yourselves","Thoya has no plural, so or can refer to an audience of multiple people, but can't refer to a group including people who are not present." ŋar,pronoun,me and others,"we, us, ourself, ourselves","The ""first and third person"" interpretation of we/us." jar,pronoun,you and others,"you, yourselves","This is not just a plural 'you'; it's for referring to a group that includes both the audience and people who are not present." ŋɪj,pronoun,me and you,"we, us, ourself, ourselves","The ""first and second person"" interpretation of we/us." ŋaj,pronoun,me and you and others,"we, us, ourself, ourselves","The ""first and second and third person"" interpretation of we/us - only used when it includes all three of self, listener, and people who are not present." ne,pronoun,subject of most recent verb,"it, he, him, she, her, they, them, itself, himself, herself, themself, themselves", en,pronoun,each other,"each other","Used just like ne." no,pronoun,object of most recent verb,"it, she, he, him, her, they, them", ni,pronoun,subject of preposition,"it, she, he, him, her, they, them", na,pronoun,misc aforementioned,"the, it, he, she, they","This word should always refer to something that was previously mentioned, but in a position that no other pronoun could refer to. For something that wasn't previously mentioned, use a demonstrative." ɪna,special,individualizer,"each, individually","Makes a statement apply to each element of a group individually - in a sense the opposite of 'each other'. 'Samurai nogu ne': Samurai are killing themselves/each other. No indiciation of which. 'Samurai nogu en': Samurai are killing each other. 'ɪna Samurai nogu ne': Samurai are killing themselves." nu,modifier,not,"not, no","When used as 'not', it behaves like Spanish 'no': it always goes directly before the thing it negates. It can also be used to answer a question or to contradict someone with a single syllable. Like yi, it can also be used to negate a predicate inferrable from context. For example: ""I can't believe you all just let this happen!"" ""I didn't (er nu)! I just couldn't stop it without everyone else's help.""" yi,special,yes,"yes","This can be used either in answer to a question or to agree with a statement. It can also be used to replace a predicate that's inferrable from context. For example: ""Did you do this?"" ""No, Charlie did!"" --> ""nu, Charlie yi!"" ""Writing a book isn't hard. Writing a good one is."" (is = yi)" ŋex,verb,perceive,"perceive, experience, feel, feel like", li,verb,see,"see", jeŋa,verb,perceive by hearing,hear, peŋa,verb,perceive by touch,feel, neŋa,verb,perceive by taste,taste, heŋa,verb,perceive by smell,smell, ŋox,verb,seem,"seem, appear","If you want to translate a sentence like 'it seems to me ...', instead swap the subject and object and use ŋex." loŋa,verb,have a certain appearance,look, joŋa,verb,have a certain sound,sound, poŋa,verb,have a certain tactile feel,feel, noŋa,verb,have a certain taste,taste, hoŋa,verb,have a certain smell,smell, liri,verb,look at,look, jeri,verb,listen to,listen, ke,conjunction,(introduces clause),"that","'That' in the sense of 'I think that...'. ke is used much more often than in English. For example, instead of saying ""make the tree fall"", say ""cause that the tree fall""." se,tense modifier,past tense,"did, was, ago","See the concept article on tenses." so,tense modifier,future tense,"will, going to, in","See the concept article on tenses." si,tense modifier,present tense,"now","See the concept article on tenses." sa,tense modifier,vague tense,,"See the concept article on tenses." ɪs,tense modifier,close tense,"just, about to","See the concept article on tenses." kune,entity,cold,"cold, cool", kunu,verb,make colder,"cool", bije,entity,hot,"hot, warm", biji,verb,make hotter,"heat", kubi,entity,comfortable temperature,"cool, warm", kutu,verb,freeze,freeze, bili,verb,melt,melt, kulu,verb,connn (turn from gas to liquid),condense, bihi,verb,boil,boil, hibi,verb,evaporate,evaporate, ki,special,the being or doing of,"-tion, -ness", qepi,verb,step,step, qeta,verb,walk,walk, viha,verb,run,run, qiv,verb,climb,climb, volm,verb,swim,swim, qazi,verb,fly,fly, qido,verb,throw,"throw, launch, toss","Combining with other verbs can be used to distinguish "throw to" from "throw at": qido dopa loka ar rɪn - throw book at person qido deŋo loka ar rɪn - throw (toss?) book to person (with the intent of them catching it)." hifa,verb,breathe,breathe, hufa,verb,sigh,sigh, vok,verb,grunt,grunt, guja,verb,consume as sustenance,"eat, drink, consume", guli,entity,drink,drink, guti,entity,food,food, gumfi,entity,unhealthy but tasty food,"junk food, dessert", nogja,entity,meat,meat, gulvi,verb,be thirsty,"thirsty, thirst", gutvi,verb,be hungry,"hungry, hunger", jɪt,entity,spot (location),spot,"'spot' is more precise than 'place'." tɪt,entity,point (in space),point, jat,entity,place,place,"Don't use this word to mean 'spot'; only 'place'. This is similar to the distinction between qe and je." i,conjunction,and,"and, also, plus, besides, even","The way conjuction lists work is slightly different. Like English, it's acceptable to only use i once with a list of several items, but instead of ""A, B, i C"", it's formatted as ""i A, B, C"" so you don't have to wait until the last item to know the difference between 'and' and 'or'." o,conjunction,or,"or","Using o on lists is slightly different than English 'or'; see the notes on i." u,conjunction,minus,"minus, without, except","This can only be translated to 'without' when it means the same thing as 'minus'. One example where it can't might be: ""Safety without liberty is not worth fighting for."" Assuming we don't define safety and liberty such that safety encompasses liberty, 'without' must be translated as 'i nu'." vɪp,verb,experience sensory pain,"suffer, pain, hurt, harm","Direct object is the cause or source of pain." vɪŋ,verb,experience emotional pain,"sad, suffer, pain, upset, hurt","Direct object is the cause of upset." ven,verb,suffer,"suffer, pain, hurt, harm","Umbrella term for vɪp and vɪŋ." von,verb,cause suffering to,"hurt, harm", mɪp,verb,enjoy (sensory),"enjoy", mɪŋ,verb,enjoy (emotional),"enjoy, happy", men,verb,enjoy (sensory or emotional),"enjoy","Umbrella term for mɪp and mɪŋ." mon,verb,cause positive experience to,"help, comfort, please", e,preposition,of (association),of,"e expresses nothing more than association or correspondence. For example, 'my job' ('job of me') and 'my name' is also expressed this way. But ownership or other senses of 'of' are not." ŋe,preposition,of (owned by),of, tu,"preposition, degree modifier",to the following extent,"by, so, so much, too, too much, enough","This is the 'by' in ""taller by 3 meters"". It's also the way to use units, even outside of comparison: ""3 meters tall"" => ""tall by 3 meters"". It also means ""to such an extent that"": ""bije tu ke ..."" = ""so hot that..."" The meanings 'too' and 'enough' are corollaries of this. A statement of the form 'too X' or 'X enough' can be expanded to 'X to such an extent that (something bad/good)', but with an inferred result. So, they can be translated into Thoya as 'X tu' with nothing after it, or with something vague like 'X tu feru'." tifa,entity,tree,tree, afta,entity,forest,forest, fɪmpi,entity,leaf,leaf, fubi,entity,plant,plant, nufa,entity,grass,grass, tɪka,entity,wood (material),wood, dɪla,entity,metal,metal, holda,entity,glass,glass, hi,preposition,related to,"related, related to, relevant", hu,preposition,about,"about", hɪn,preposition,regardless of,regardless of, deŋ,verb,have (access to),have,"get = start having, lose = stop having. ra and ar can be used to specify source or cause of loss." deŋe,verb,take (transfer from other to self),take,"ar can be used to specify a different recipient." deŋo,verb,give (depriving oneself),give, deŋi,verb,give (without losing),give,"eg. 'give advice' or 'give access'." deŋu,verb,take (depriving, and not necessarily gaining),"take, deprive","Like English 'take', the thing taken is the direct object while the person taken from is specified with ra, but the meaning is more like 'deprive', as it doesn't imply that anyone gains the taken thing." diŋ,preposition,having,"with, having", duŋ,preposition,lacking,"without, lacking, lack", tida,verb,stand,stand, futa,verb,sit,sit, fuko,verb,lay,"lay, lie", djida,verb,jump,jump, juda,verb,crouch,"crouch, duck", nogu,verb,kill,"kill, destroy", ketu,entity,indoors,"indoors, indoor, inside", zoha,entity,outdoors,"outdoors, outdoor, outside", ɪxu,verb,hide,hide, ali,verb,expose,"expose, reveal, show, appear", alo,verb,find,"find, encounter", ale,entity,exposed,"exposed, visible, obvious", ɪxe,entity,hidden,"hidden, subtle", van,verb,search for,search, xan,verb,avoid,avoid, qya,verb,explore,explore, liri,entity,daytime,day, lisi,entity,midday,midday, lise,entity,morning,"morning, noon", liso,entity,evening,evening, xuku,entity,nighttime,night, yɪl,entity,sun,sun, lun,entity,moon,moon, lan,entity,star,star, yile,entity,sunrise,"sunrise, dawn", yulo,entity,sunset,"sunset, dusk", du,verb,prevent,prevent, vey,verb,impede,"impede, hinder", doy,verb,contribute to causing,"assist, contribute, help", ho,verb,allow,"allow, let", es,verb,start,"start, begin", os,verb,finish,finish, us,verb,stop,stop, is,verb,continue,continue, as,verb,pause,pause, pes,preposition,beginning of,"start, beginning", pos,preposition,end of,"end, ending", ko,conjunction,(introduce relative clause),"that, which, who, whom, such that","This is the 'that' in 'this is the one that broke'. However, when the anchor of the relative clause is not the subject of the verb of the relative clause, the syntax is different from English: instead of saying 'this is the one that I broke', you say literally 'this is the one such that I broke it', where 'it' is nay." nay,pronoun,(anchor of relative clause),"","See ko." pi,preposition,above,"above, up, upward, upwards, high, top","'up' or 'upward' = jan pi 'high' = pi tap, pi tayp, or maybe a similar phrase 'top' = qɪ pi" pu,preposition,below,"below, down, downward, downwards, low, bottom","See notes on pi." pɪ,preposition,to the left of,left,"See notes on pi." pa,preposition,to the right of,right,"See notes on pi." po,preposition,in front of,"front, forward, forwards","See notes on pi." pe,preposition,behind,"behind, backward, backwards, back","See notes on pi." ɪŋ,preposition,inside of,"inside, in, into, inward, interior","See notes on pi." an,preposition,outside of,"outside, out, outward, exterior","See notes on pi." baqo,preposition,clockwise of,"clockwise","See notes on pi." baqe,preposition,counterclockwise of,"counterclockwise","See notes on pi." pan,preposition,far from,far, pɪm,preposition,near,"near, close", ope,preposition,between,"between, inbetween", pax,preposition,around,around, pɪfa,preposition,on the surface of,on, piti,preposition,along,along, pojo,preposition,across,across, qoŋ,preposition,through (position),through, qɪ,special,convert direction word into sub-area,,"For example, pi = above; qɪ pi = top." din,preposition,more than,more,"This is a degree modifier, but the syntax is different from English. instead of 'more than', it's ' tu din' (literally ' to an extent more than')." hun,preposition,less than,less,"See notes on din." dan,preposition,most out of,most,"See notes on din." han,preposition,least out of,least,"See notes on din." ton,preposition,identical to,identical to,"See notes on din. 'tu ton' means 'equally as', but it can also be used with 'ju' instead: 'ju ton' means 'in an identical manner'." naj,preposition,different from,"different","For use as a degree modifier, see notes on din." xo,preposition,similar to,"similar, similarly, close, like","For use as a degree modifier, see notes on din." dar,entity,door,door, ole,entity,window,window, hal,entity,hole,"hole, opening, space", kɪxu,entity,crack (small space between things),crack, daka,entity,wall,wall, diko,entity,roof,"ceiling, roof", duko,entity,floor,"floor, ground", nɪn,entity,one,one, man,entity,two,two, jɪn,entity,three,three, tɪn,entity,four,four, gan,entity,five,five, kin,entity,six,six, tɪ,special,ordinalize number,"first, second, third, fourth, -nth","Exaple: tɪ nɪn = first" fe,preposition,out of (numerical),of,"'jɪn ŋoye er' = 'my three friends'; 'jɪn fe ŋoye er' = 'three of my friends'." tɪtu,special,separates whole from decimal parts of a number,"point","eg. 3.5 is pronounced 'jɪn tɪtu gan'" eti,verb,measure,measure, texi,verb,estimate,estimate, tati,verb,count,count, rizi,entity,new,"new, young", kusu,entity,old,old, sɪt,entity,second (unit of time),second, sat,entity,minute (unit of time),minute, sar,entity,hour,hour, sira,entity,day (unit of time),day, sura,entity,year,year, jizu,verb,trade,"trade, buy, purchase, sell","Direct object is the person you trade with; ar specifies what you receive, ra specifies what you give." jivu,verb,have a specified cost,cost, pom,verb,touch,touch, dopa,verb,hit (touch with force),hit, vaja,entity,task done for a reward,job, gaj,entity,loud,loud, fɪj,entity,quiet,quiet, zij,entity,high-pitched,"high, high-pitched", kuj,entity,low-pitched,"low, low-pitched", vil,entity,bright,bright, kul,entity,dark,dark, fu,adverb,fail to,"fail, lose", fa,verb,do accidentally,"accidentally, accident", zido,verb,succeed,"succeed, purposefully, on purpose","For 'on purpose', use this verb like an adverb (technically multiple predicate syntax)." kemi,entity,home,home, kemu,verb,rest,rest, duka,entity,building,building, su,preposition,at (time),"at, in, on, for, during","Use as 'for' is like: 'the light was on for 5 minutes' = 'the light was on at 5 minutes'." sɪn,preposition,within (time),"within, in","Used for sentences like 'I can do it in 5 minutes' (it will take me less than 5 minutes)." ha,entity,air,air, havo,entity,wind,wind, civo,verb,pay attention to,"attention, watch, focus", cofa,verb,distract,distract,"ra can be used to specify 'distract from _'." ŋuvi,entity,blood,blood, ŋovo,verb,bleed (reflexive),bleed, ŋivi,verb,cry,cry,"tears = ki ŋivi." pero,entity,one's locus of control,"body, avatar", ŋeri,entity,head,head, hixa,entity,hair,hair, ropo,entity,hand,hand, apo,entity,arm,arm, pelo,entity,eye,eye, ŋolo,entity,face,face, pegu,entity,mouth,mouth, peja,entity,ear,ear, pehi,entity,nose,nose, puqo,entity,foot,foot, paqu,entity,leg,leg, peŋi,verb,wear (clothing),wear, giji,entity,fire,fire, geji,verb,burn,burn, gija,entity,smoke,smoke,"You can read this as a portmanteau of giji + ha: fire air." ŋeli,entity,naked,naked, pimi,entity,clothing,"clothing, clothes", rin,verb,increase,"increase, add","Translate 'add item to list' as 'increase list by item'." run,verb,decrease,"decrease, reduce, subtract, remove","Translate 'remove item from list' as 'decrease list by item'." itay,verb,multiply,"multiply, times","This verb is reflexive: the subject and object are the two multiplicands." utaw,verb,divide,"divide, divided by","This verb is reflexive: the subject is the dividend and the object is the divisor." neti,entity,enabled,"enabled, turned on, on", netu,entity,disabled,"disabled, turned off, off", niri,verb,enable,"enable, turn on", nuru,verb,disable,"disable, turn off", nɪra,verb,toggle,toggle, iha,entity,sky,sky, daku,entity,rock,rock, guvi,verb,deprive of functionality,"damage, break, hurt", dumi,verb,restore functionality to,"repair, fix, heal, recover", gevi,entity,not functional,"broken", demi,entity,functional,"work, working, functional", bini,verb,cook,cook, sen,preposition,before,before, son,preposition,after,after, nɪs,preposition,during,"while, during", nis,entity,current (now),current, nes,entity,previous,previous, nos,entity,next,next, soy,conjunction,then,"then, next", uni,preposition,the opposite of,opposite, ɪni,adverb,only,only, ŋo,verb,deceive,"deceive, lie","This has the same syntax as lo: direct object is the lie told, ar specifies who is deceived." zɪx,entity,tool,tool, gox,entity,weapon,weapon, cɪx,entity,computer,computer, qocɪx,entity,phone,phone, mecɪx,entity,laptop,laptop, ducɪx,entity,desktop computer,desktop, futu,entity,unintended aspect,"bug, glitch", qax,entity,vehicle,vehicle, qox,verb,drive,drive, hiqax,entity,plane (aircraft),plane, tɪqax,entity,vehicle bound to tracks,train, loqax,entity,boat,"boat, ship", neqax,entity,car,car, veqax,entity,bike,"bike, bicycle", bepo,entity,wheel,wheel, lovi,verb,write (by hand),"write, handwrite", loka,entity,book (physical),book, leki,verb,read (writing),read, loti,verb,type,type, lojo,verb,speak,speak,"Same syntax as lo, but specific to verbal communication." lohi,verb,whisper,whisper, dol,verb,yell,"yell, shout", vizi,verb,practice,practice, vici,verb,study,study, ŋoye,preposition,person who has a deep mutual bond with,friend, moje,entity,person who has a mututal enjoyable relationship with,friend, hay,verb,exist,"exist, happen, there is","I list 'there is' as a translation because the existing thing goes in the object position; this verb has no subject." ju,preposition,adverbifier,-ly,"I tag this as a preposition because that's how it's used: 'ju (fast)' = 'quickly'." zos,entity,fast,fast, ses,entity,slow,slow, zixi,entity,method,"method, way, means", zaxa,entity,a general approach to a broad class of problems,"paradigm, strategy, framework, approach", za,entity,versatile,"versatile, flexible", zeri,entity,efficient,"efficient, effective, skilled, skill, useful", ziri,verb,make more efficient,"improve", feru,entity,inefficient,"inefficient, ineffective, unskilled, useless", furu,verb,make less efficient,"worsen, weaken", deri,entity,powerful,"powerful, effective", diri,entity,empower,"empower, strengthen", heru,entity,weak,"weak, powerless, ineffective", huru,entity,weak,"weaken, disempower", ciro,verb,teach,teach,"The direct object is the thing taught, not the learner. Use ar to specify the learner." juxi,entity,money,money, pɪt,preposition,shape with the following number of sides,"polygon, triangle, square, circle","I only list the most common terms in the translations. A circle is considered an infinite-sided shape." cɪn,entity,simple,simple, caj,entity,complex,complex, fwac,entity,unnecessarily complex,"convoluted, bloated, bloat", pɪn,entity,small,small, paj,entity,big,"big, large", zɪro,verb,automate,"automate, program", ŋel,verb,ask (question),ask, zidu,adverb,difficult,"difficult, hard","The syntax this is used with is like: 'me (hard) do X', meaning 'it is hard for me to do X'. Note the idea of a person to whom the difficulty applies is built in, reflecting the subjectivity of the concept." fumi,adverb,easy,easy,"See notes on zidu." zolo,verb,tell someone to do something for their own benefit,"advise, suggest, instruct, tell","The addressee is the direct object. What you advise them to do is specified with ar." yolvo,verb,tell someone to do something by appealing to morality,"exhort, encourage, tell","See notes on zolo; this works the same way." xelo,verb,ask someone to do something (as a favor to the asker),"request, ask, tell","See notes on zolo; this works the same way." vumi,entity,activity with an artificial objective,game, go,verb,violate (someone's rights),"violate, infringe, transgress, aggress, abuse, harm, hurt","This is meant to be used with multiple predicate syntax, and according to the libertarian concept of rights." me,verb,respect the rights of,"respect, consensual, consensually","Use with multiple predicate syntax to mean 'consensually'." gwol,verb,threaten to violate,threaten, mige,verb,"be addicted to; feel a need to do something that actually makes one less happy","addicted", kac,entity,general,"general, broad", nɪc,entity,specific,"specific, narrow, detail", toy,preposition,iteration of,"time, times, iteration, instance, match, run","For example, a match of a game, an iteration of a process." bo,verb,repeat,"repeat, again", xol,verb,imply,imply, lax,entity,lacking a clear meaning,"vague, ambiguous, unclear", lɪt,entity,having a clear meaning,"clear", cɪt,adverb,exactly,"exactly, precisely, exact, precise","See pen." xɪn,adverb,approximately,"about, approximately, like, approximate","See pen." tɪrpo,entity,button,button, tɪjo,entity,device that emits sound,speaker, vohojo,entity,fan,fan, lara,entity,lamp,"lamp, light", lip,entity,light,light, yuji,entity,music,music, ivuji,verb,sing,sing, ipuji,entity,musical instrument,instrument, loyja,entity,color,color, kona,verb,open,open, kena,entity,open,open, konu,verb,close,close, kenu,entity,closed,closed, kutedu,entity,lock,lock, kutede,verb,lock,lock, kutedi,entity,locked,locked, kitado,verb,unlock (transitive),unlock, kitadi,entity,unlocked,unlocked, kita,entity,key,key, tovpi,preposition,corner of,corner, tatpi,preposition,side of,side, teŋpi,preposition,center of,"center, middle", tepo,preposition,edge of,edge, topa,entity,flat,"flat, plains","Plains as in landscape. It's like they're literally called flats." ipi,entity,pillar,pillar, bay,entity,round,round, zigi,entity,sharp,sharp, boy,entity,curved,curved, bɪto,entity,bent,bent, teto,entity,straight,straight, mifu,entity,soft,"soft, squishy", toki,entity,hard (surface),"hard, firm", pɪntu,entity,rigid,rigid, mafi,entity,flexible,flexible, moto,entity,smooth,smooth, vopo,entity,rough,rough, miti,entity,tidy,"tidy, clean, neat", joga,entity,messy,"messy, dirty", nozo,entity,wire,"wire, cable, cord", haxa,entity,gas (state of matter),gas, mawa,entity,liquid,liquid, tɪnda,entity,solid (state of matter),solid, dipi,entity,not easily damaged,"strong, tough, resilient, durable, sturdy", fupi,entity,easily damaged,"weak, fragile, frail", doro,entity,able to exert great force,"strong", foro,entity,not able to exert great force,"weak", loyo,verb,promise,promise, kici,verb,remember,remember,"This can also be used as a conversation flow control word, when you suddenly remember something or realized you were misremembering it until now, just say 'kici'." kufu,verb,forget,forget, vobo,verb,vent (emotion),vent, risa,preposition,the experiences of _ in life,life, reku,verb,live (somewhere),live, kiraya,entity,chronicle of the most important and agential parts of someone's life,"story, journey","Also used to describe fictional stories." tejo,preposition,version of,version, corvi,verb,search for information about,"investigate, look into", loŋ,verb,represent,"represent, mean", koli,preposition,image of,"image, picture", koqli,preposition,video of,"video", ŋel,preposition,avatar of,"avatar, icon", seku,verb,record,record, uko,entity,background,background, atɪn,preposition,summary of,summary, sezi,entity,careful,"careful, cautious, caution", lɪc,verb,refer to,"refer, call, name","In the typical use case 'refer to Thing as Name', the translation of 'as' used is lo. Thus it literally means 'refer to Thing say(ing) Name'. See the concept article on multiple predicates." leŋ,preposition,name of,name, nor,verb,replace,"replace, instead, switch","Subject is the agent; new item specified with ar: ron old ar new = replace old with new. To translate 'instead', use this verb with multiple predicate syntax." ner,verb,replace,replace,"Subject is the new item." kɪŋ,preposition,part of,part, kaŋ,verb,encompass,"encompass, contain, have, include", ceŋ,preposition,aspect,"aspect, facet","Contrast keŋ. keŋ is for *parts*, things that have a relatively compositional relationship with their whole; a part of something accounts for a specific proportion of it and there is that much less to be accounted for by other parts. ceŋ is for aspects, which have a not-so-compositional relationship with their whole. For example, you might want to discuss "each aspect of" a drawing, and that might include choices of colors, choices of shapes, positioning of elements, etc - things that don't necessarily account for a specific proportion of the drawing." zufi,preposition,child of,"child", zufa,preposition,descendant of,"descendant, offspring", kifi,preposition,parent of,"parent", kifa,preposition,ancestor of,"ancestor", tofi,preposition,sibling of,"sibling", fula,entity,wet,wet, pita,entity,dry,dry, fɪlap,entity,towel,towel, vlomi,verb,illustrate,"draw, illustrate", laca,entity,language,language, lacro,verb,translate,translate, goko,entity,gun,gun, hifi,entity,light (weight),"light, lightweight", duku,entity,heavy,heavy, refu,entity,not designed by people,"natural","This is natural in the sense of 'natural language', even though natural languages are made by people, they aren't designed." rori,entity,designed by people,"artificial, designed","This is the opposite of refu, so just being caused by people doesn't necessarily qualify." kude,entity,shelter (from weather),shelter, wolu,entity,toilet,toilet, wolo,verb,excrete urine or feces,"urinate, defecate, pee, poop", wole,entity,urine or feces,"urine, feces, pee, poop", klɪm,entity,ice,ice, flɪm,entity,snow,snow, hilɪm,entity,steam,steam, tono,entity,line,line, tinu,entity,orthogonal,orthogonal, tana,entity,diagonal,diagonal, tom,preposition,adjacent to,adjacent, lin,entity,white,white, klun,entity,black,black, jelo,entity,grey,"grey, gray", mal,entity,blue,blue, felm,enity,green,green, buvɪl,entity,red,red, yarɪl,entity,yellow,yellow, byol,entity,orange,orange, kudol,entity,brown,brown, vugi,verb,fight,fight, vui,verb,punish,punish,"ra specifies the reason for punishment." yumu,verb,forgive,forgive,"ra specifies the precedent." yovi,verb,redeem,redeem,"ra specifies the precedent." yevi,verb,repent,repent,"ra specifies the precedent." ce,special,early evaluator,,"ce solves certain ambiguities by 'pulling aside' another word to evaluate it outside of its containing clause. For example: 'I think that all of my beliefs are true.' When I say it in English, many people tell me this statement is stupid because they wrongly parse it as 'I think the following: all of my beliefs are true', when the correct parse is 'for each of my beliefs, denoted B, I think the following: B is true'. Interpreted correctly, the statement is a truism. ce works like this: 'ce ɪna tin ko er ci nay, ci ke nay a yec.' = 'for each of my beliefs, denoted ce, I think that ce is true.'" ŋor,verb,be instinctively moved to,"feel, want, instinct","'ŋor nori' = 'My instinct is to turn it on' 'ŋor ci ke ...' = 'I feel like ...' or 'I'm tempted to think that ...'" mepɪŋ,verb,hug,hug, zuga,verb,sever,"cut, sever", zugi,verb,cut (without severing),"cut", guva,verb,rip,rip, cɪŋ,verb,internally convert symbol to meaning,"understand, parse, process, interpret", ŋa,special,I don't know,I don't know, ku,special,decline to answer,decline to answer, hoy,special,doesn't apply,"N/A, not applicable", yir,verb,consent to,"consent, agree", yur,verb,decree about one's property,"decree, decide","The English words really don't capture the meaning. yur describes a decree about one's property, for example: 'yur ke (guests) us peŋi (shoes) kyɪs qi' = 'guests must remove shoes when entering'. 'yur ke ŋi qu kemi ŋe er' = 'leave my house'. as this example shows, you can think of 'yur ke' as being a command prefix, but don't take that too far because English commands have many other meanings, for example advice commands or requests that are not meant to generate conditions on the use of one's property (for example 'come here')." lefu,verb,mishear or misparse (language),"misunderstand, mishear, misparse","Can be used as an interjection: 'lefu' as a clause by itself is like saying 'I misheard or misparsed the sentence, but I get it now'." qipi,entity,stair,stair, jimi,verb,laugh at,laugh, tizo,verb,configure,"configure, set", ŋay,preposition,made of,"of, made of", wivi,verb,mistreat,mistreat, zigo,verb,defeat,defeat, haw,preposition,set of,"group, set", cyu,preposition,list of,"list", equ,verb,fall,fall, oqu,verb,drop,drop, iki,entity,infinite,"infinite, infinity", nek,interjection,(decided not to say something),"nevermind", febe,interjection,(backspace something said by accident),"I mean", foce,interjection,you misunderstood me,, oci,interjection,(acknowledgement),"okay, ok", ufe,interjection,I made a mistake or lost confidence in what I just said or did,"wait, oops, hold on", yome,verb,consume (art or games),"read, watch, see, play", hiki,entity,cloud,cloud, ligu,entity,lightning,lightning, uke,entity,cave,cave, ako,entity,island,island, lamu,entity,large body of water,"ocean, sea, lake", qolmo,entity,river,"river", fuju,entity,dirt,"dirt, earth, soil", fula,entity,shore,"shore, coast, beach", yumi,entity,beautiful,beautiful, wivu,entity,ugly,ugly, zoli,verb,demonstrate,demonstrate, lizo,verb,test by experiment,"try, try out, check", tɪzi,verb,build out of pieces,"build, assemble, make", metu,entity,seat,"seat, chair", zɪfi,verb,startle,startle, mimi,entity,sweet (flavor),sweet, vevu,entity,bitter (flavor),bitter, vemi,entity,sour,sour, zefka,entity,salt,salt, koto,entity,shape indicating direction,arrow, jake,entity,room (section of a building),room, peve,verb,compress,compress, povo,verb,stretch,stretch, mize,preposition,ally of,ally, vigo,preposition,enemy of,enemy, hapa,entity,space,"space, room", ceno,verb,be an alternative or peer to,"alternative, peer", zix,verb,have advantage,"winning, advantage", fux,verb,have disadvantage,"losing, disadvantage", tos,preposition,the following number of times,"twice, thrice, times", cefe,verb,take someone's word for something,trust,"The person trusted is the object. To specify what they're trusted about, use with multiple predicate syntax with ci." poy,entity,big in primary dimension,long, pew,entity,small in primary dimension,short, pay,entity,big in secondary dimension,wide, paw,entity,small in secondary dimension,narrow, piŋ,entity,big in internal dimension,thick, puŋ,entity,small in internal dimension,thin, ipi,entity,big in vertical dimension,"tall, deep", upu,entity,small in vertical dimension,"short, shallow", titu,verb,compare,compare,"This does not mean 'equate', only 'compare'. English 'compare' sometimes means 'suggest that two things are similar', but this word only means 'consider the differences and similarities between'." zice,verb,prepare,"prepare, ready", duke,entity,hammer,hammer, zeygoy,entity,scissors,scissors, ve,entity,problem,problem, zimi,verb,solve,solve, jada,entity,world,world, cozu,special,partially concede an argument,, cozi,special,concede an argument,, xuke,preposition,shadow of,shadow, ufa,entity,carpet,carpet, ɪba,entity,bag,bag, kubo,entity,container,"container, box", tɪbe,entity,container made for a specific object,case, tita,entity,table,"table, desk", zila,entity,electricity,electricity, buzi,entity,wire,"wire, cable, cord", ezko,entity,outlet,outlet, cata,entity,category,"category, kind, type", sarha,entity,season,season, kusar,entity,winter,winter, blisar,entity,summer,summer, gyusar,entity,autumn,"autumn, fall", misar,entity,spring (season),spring, hɪc,entity,concept,concept, waya,entity,common,"common, normal, usual", yɪn,entity,rare,"rare, unusual, abnormal, unique","'unique' is translates as 'ti yɪn'." waf,entity,culture,culture, sir,verb,grow up (into adulthood),"grow up", rof,verb,raise (a person),"raise, rear", loki,entity,medium-length piece of writing,"article, essay", xa,entity,other,"other, for example","To communicate 'for example', say 'xa i' - literally 'others and'. Likewise, to communicate 'etc', say 'i xa' - 'and others'." naq,preposition,separate from,separate, lɪn,entity,word,word, nax,entity,generic,generic, can,verb,treat two things as the same,conflate, lac,verb,distinguish between,distinguish, lokɪn,entity,symbol,"symbol, character, letter", pɪc,preposition,concretely part of something rather than emergent from it,"feature, mechanic, aspect, part","Examples: a feature in software (rather than just a way the software can be used), a mechanic in a game (part of the rules rather than just something that can happen in the game)." vyem,entity,emotion,emotion, cizi,verb,design,"design, engineer, plan, devise", caza,entity,"field of knowledge, study, or practice","field, discipline, skill", rov,verb,struggle to,struggle, rɪp,verb,act manually,"manual, manually","Use this with multiple predicate syntax to say 'manually'." zɪt,entity,sudden,sudden, san,entity,gradual,gradual, dos,verb,make progress on,"progress, advance, develop", ajemo,entity,network,network, axelo,entity,internet,internet, kedo,verb,require,"require, need, necessary","This is for describing a prerequisite, not a rule or desire. For example you wouldn't say 'I need you to do this', but would say 'success requires planning'." ledo,verb,obey,"obey, follow, execute","'Execute' can refer to a plan, or to computer code." ŋi,preposition,important to,"important, essential", he,preposition,inessential to,"unimportant, inessential", ceŋ,entity,implicit,"implicit, subtle", col,entity,explicit,explicit, zir,entity,stamina,"energy, stamina", ipo,verb,fill,fill, ipe,entity,full,full, uho,verb,empty,"empty, hollow", uhe,entity,empty,empty, few,verb,give up,give up, nomi,verb,copy,copy, xit,verb,limit,limit, vojo,verb,compete against,compete, mor,verb,connect (transitive),connect, nar,verb,disconnect (transitive),disconnect, miwi,verb,do something recreational,"play, fun", uki,entity,layer,layer, gurvi,verb,want suffering for,hate, mirvi,verb,want happiness for,love, yuvi,verb,be obligated to,"owe, obligated, obligation","This is meant to be used according to the libertarian concept of rights." yero,verb,have the right to,"can, right","This is meant to be used according to the libertarian concept of rights." hetu,entity,slot,"slot, frame", bo,verb,rotate,"rotate, turn", pana,entity,surface,surface, pɪv,verb,have an itch,itch, qov,verb,drag,drag, fen,modifier,past passive participle,"-ed","For example, 'fen geji' = 'burnt'." pɪme,entity,dense,dense, pano,entity,sparse,sparse, deku,verb,block,block, palo,entity,forum,forum, fedo,entity,human,human, ŋɪmi,verb,adhere,"adhere, stick", ŋɪme,entity,sticky,sticky, tɪno,verb,balance,balance, tuni,verb,compensate,compensate, miplo,verb,smile,smile, vuplo,verb,frown,frown, vefu,entity,sick,"sick, ill", nawi,entity,random,random, namwi,verb,get lucky,"lucky, luck", fugu,entity,garbage,"garbage, trash, waste", nogo,verb,throw away,"throw away, throw out, dispose", des,verb,borrow,"borrow, rent", dos,verb,let someone borrow,"lease","Direct object is the thing borrowed. ar specifies the borrower." cɪ,preposition,entity parameter specifier,"of","This word specifies a parameter for entities. For example, 'zeri' = 'effective', 'zeri cɪ' = 'effective at ...'." kɪn,entity,irreducible,"fundamental, prime, irreducible", provi,verb,exercise,exercise, empu,verb,fold,fold, mado,verb,share,share, rɪm,preposition,in the company of,with, monu,verb,be pleased by such that the desire goes away,"satisfy", tere,verb,for it to be one's turn,turn,"or tere = it is your turn" eto,preposition,in the order,"order","Example: 'in the other order' = 'eto xa'." helo,entity,transparent,transparent, koxo,entity,opaque,opaque, iba,entity,bump,bump, nɪx,entity,something,something, nene,entity,same,same, lɪnka,entity,dictionary,dictionary, tɪj,preposition,of the form,"form","Example: ""statements of the form 'if X, then Y'"" = ""ki lo tɪj 'je X, co Y'""" ubi,verb,bounce,bounce, pre,verb,hold,hold, xedo,entity,device that controls something remotely,"remote, controller", reno,verb,shuffle,"swap, switch, shuffle", fuqo,verb,slip,slip, ɪn,special,convert tense modifier to entity,"old, current, future, recent","example: 'ɪn ɪs se' = 'recent'" cɪl,adverb,literally,"literally, literal","See pen." xɪc,preposition,metaphor for,"metaphor, analogy, allegory", pen,special,convert adverb to entity,,"This is used with words like 'cɪl': 'pen cɪl' = 'literal'." liŋ,verb,exaggerate,exaggerate, luŋ,verb,understate,understate, ejo,entity,voice,voice, tubi,entity,scale (possibility space),scale,"This does *not* mean an object that measures weight. It's like 'on a scale from 1-10'." tɪlo,entity,meter,"meter, gauge", belo,verb,reflect,reflect, meŋu,verb,absorb,absorb, ŋeku,entity,bone,bone, nez,entity,early,early, nos,entity,late,late, edjo,verb,shake,"shake, vibrate",