
My thoughts about argumentation and debating

Also note that in this section of the site I often talk about "good people" and "bad people" under the assumption that whoever is arguing for something irrational or evil is a bad person and vice versa. This is not *always* true, but it's usually true, and "bad person" is shorter than "person arguing for something bad".


The misrepresentation and underappreciation of philosophy

Polymorphic values

Propaganda words and phrases that don't merit their own articles

Hypocritical Objectivism

The experience calculation problem

The facts don't matter

Why I won't read a book

Yujiri's law of argument

Preconditions of argument

Steps of alliance


Statistics are not the trump card you think

Citation fallacies

Tu Quoque - (often) not a fallacy

Things that are not ad hominem

The correlated trait fallacy

Defining by reference

What if everyone thought that way is one big fallacy

Disputed premise, not circular reasoning

The missing comparison fallacy



Dirty tactics

Inflammatory techniques: How to provoke your opponent

Observations on linguistic connotations


Politics and the English Language, by George Orwell (external)

Specific arguments

Screenshots prove nothing

IQ is a superstition

Don't amoralize your moral arguments

Worrying is not irrational

There is no history of philosophy

Trying to change a living language

Languages are not easier to learn as a kid

Punishment and reward are not alternatives

The common error behind leftist economics

Base 6 is the optimal number system (external)

You're wrong to focus on privilege and oppression

Stop taking tests


Yes, Tyler Curtis, the bystander effect exists

Rebuttal to Kurzgesagt's "The Origin of Consciousness"

First Round Capital is sexist

Rebuttal to Shane Killian's "Ustupidtarianism in 4 Stupids"

Heimdal Security lies hysterically about the dark web

Art Carden demonstrates vulgar libertarianism

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